Private households by tenure status of the household : Private households by tenure status of the household

Type of private householdprivate households
Sex of reference person of the householdtotal
Age class of reference person of the householdtotal
Legal marital status of reference person of the householdtotal
Number of members in the householdtotal
Single or shared occupancyall items
Housing arrangementsall items
Type of living quarterall items
Census year2011
Data typenumber of private households (absolute values)
Tenure status of the householdownershiprentother form of tenure different from ownership, rentall items
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Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Nord-est3 602 685883 716389 8044 878 478
Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Friuli-Venezia Giulia420 80690 09736 548547 760
Udine186 58234 61116 919238 218
Gorizia50 43110 0624 07664 599
Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Trieste83 13625 4326 934115 641
Trieste71 84224 0715 806101 854
Pordenone100 65719 9928 619129 302
Data extracted on 19 Apr 2024 01:39 UTC (GMT) from Agri.Stat