Type of territory
Type of private householdprivate households
Age class of reference person of the householdtotal
Number of private households living in a conventional dwellingtotal
Number of members in the household
Number of roomstotal
Type of ownershipall items
Tenure status of the householdall items
Goods and servicesall items
Members of the household with mobile cellular telephoneall items
Census year2011
Data typenumber of private households in a conventional dwelling (absolute values)
Single or shared occupancyall items
Sort ascendingSort descending
Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Nord-est1 575 659
Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Friuli-Venezia Giulia193 903
Udine81 853
Gorizia23 614
Hide subtree/Nascondere sotto-albero Trieste49 624
Trieste44 926
Data extracted on 26 Apr 2024 05:29 UTC (GMT) from Agri.Stat


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